How to book online tee times for Garstang Golf Centre
Please be aware that we welcome the personal service and would appereciate your call at anytime on 01995 600100.
Our new online booking facility is to add convenience to our booking capabilities as it is compatible with any smartphone, tablet or PC with an internet connection.
Unlike other internet booking facilities this is direct to us at Garstang so you can trust that your booking is made when you receive confirmation.
If you are a first time user you will be asked to register your details, please be aware that we hate spam as much as you do so we will not pass on any of your details. Registration can take as little as 30 seconds and only asks for basic information.
To register or or to log into your existing account click the button below or the one at the top of the web page.
How to book online
- Click on the green 'Book a tee time' button or click here
- If you have already registered go to step 10
- Click register (the top green button)
- Enter you full name, e-mail address, contact number and your own password which is no less than 8 characters long.
- Then check the email inbox of the email you used when registering.
- In your inbox you will find and email from teetimes@garstanghotelandgolf.comtitled Garstang Golf Club | Thanks for registering. The email can take upto 24 hours but is often instant please check your junk email box as well.
- Open the email and click the link provided
- Your account is now verified and you ready to book click on the home button
- This is the home screen click the log in button to book a tee time, view you existing bookings or change your password. Click log in
- Enter the e-mail and password used when registering click log in again.
- This is you personal page where you can book a tee time, view existing bookings or change your password. To book a tee time click 'book a new game'
- Select your preferred date for playing and click on it. (Please be aware that online booking like telephone booking is restricted to the next 6 days, for bookings beyond this date and group bookings please call on 01995 600100)
- The screen will nopw show the tee times for that day, white is available for booking, red has already been booked.
- Click on an available time, on the right of the screen the date, time, price for that tee time per person, your name and contact number is shown. Below this please select the number of players for the this tee time. (This is currently restricted to 2, 3 or 4 players if your require more tee times you can bbok them back to back online but we reccomend calling the golf desk on 01995 600100)
- If you are happy with the datials on the right side of the screen click next (your booking is not yet confirmed)
- The sceen now shows the details of your booking to confirm please click book tee off time if the deatils are incorrect click go back.
- You should receive email confirmation of your booking shortly afterwards, if you dont receive this confirmation within 24 hours please call us at 01995 600100
- Your booking is now made, if you wish to cancel please log in as normal all your current bookings can be seen by clicking the my current bookings button click cancel at the side of this to cancel your booking. Please be aware that repeated cancellations or extremeley late cancellations may result in your online booking capability being removed.
- If you have any difficulties or reccomendations with regard to the booking screen then please contact us on 01995 600100 or email
Enjoy your round! then dont forget to like us on facebook and share your round with your friends at or